So I’ve been complaining for a while about how arbitrary most attempts to judge fitness are. The Crossfit Games, for instance, is clearly the best fitness competition, but you still need to master a lot of...
Category - Train Hard
It’ll make you better at everything
Try 4% harder
If there’s one thing I legitimately think I’m good at, it’s writing. It’s been my job for my entire adult life: I’ve written instructional books, children’s books, advertising copy, and...
7 things I learned from fighting my way around the world
“Until a man is twenty-five, he still thinks, every so often, that under the right circumstances he could be the baddest motherfucker in the world. If I moved to a martial-arts monastery in China and studied real hard for ten...
The ultimate 3-minute abs workout: invented by Sting
Everyone loves to overcomplicate training. It’s easy to believe that there’s a secret formula out there that will work if you can only find it – that someone, somewhere has invented the set, rep and percentage...
Did you do the work? Only you will ever really know
Warning: like many of my posts, this one starts off by being about strength training and then goes onto something else. Come on, I know the internet’s ruined your attention span. Among the many other fine things it has...
Start it now, fix it later
Pop quiz: what do Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Arnold Schwarzenegger have in common? If you said ‘being Austrian,’ you only get half a mark, smartarse. There’s a famous quote from Mozart about his method of composing that goes:...
How to hit the workout singularity
So: if you aren’t familiar with the idea of a ‘technological singularity,’ it’s a term coined by mathematician Stanislaw Ulam for what happens when Skynet becomes self-aware and goes completely nuts. More...
You have a moral responsibility to be a badass
You’re a nice person, right? Of course you are. Nobody wants to think of themselves as an unpleasant person, except for sociopaths and Youtube commenters. But here’s something that not everyone knows: it’s much easier to be nice...