Readers who’ve been taking their fish oil (and therefore keeping their brain chemistry in shape) will have noticed that the site now redirects to, its new home. I’ve also slightly rejigged the About section and one or two other things. In celebration, I have made the video below to help you drag your ass to the gym today. It’s been shown that aggressive or training-based videos will produce brief surges in testosterone and that men who identify with superheroes will get stronger after seeing them in action, so if you’re the latter, caution: it might send you completely nuts. Once you’ve finished scaring everyone else away from the squat rack, let me know how it went in the comments.
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About the author

Editor and creator of Live Hard. Fighting enthusiast, steak lover and aficionado of all things self-improvement related.
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192.5kg 1RM Dead lift…a strong start to the day!!
NICE. How does that relate to your bodyweight? 192 is strong as hell by most definitions.