Comments on: Why you should learn to fall over Because you only get one go at it Sun, 30 Apr 2017 19:15:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Debbe Fri, 11 Jan 2013 15:25:37 +0000 My young friend, Mary, knows one of the martial arts. She was hit by a car crossing a street. She knew how to roll/fall. She went over the bonnet of the car and came up swearing at the driver.

Now, I need to learn. I fell backwards on icy concrete last weekend. Nothing broken! Mild shoulder blade issue, but nothing major. Still, I need to learn what to do. Thanks for reminding me!

By: James Tue, 18 Dec 2012 21:53:41 +0000 You’re welcome 🙂

If you do fancy trying out some koryu, or gendai based on koryu, feel free to give me a shout – there’s a lot of dross out there, but some koryu training could give you something different and thus an edge in your MMA.

By: joelsnape Sun, 16 Dec 2012 22:19:56 +0000 I was being a bit sarcastic about the Jitsu Foundation – though the rolling was good, I think the rest of the time I spent there was basically wasted – mentality of going hard when someone’s trying to hurt you aside, maybe – and I wish I’d done judo for those two years instead. I’m not familiar with the arts you suggest, so I can’t really comment on them.

And cheers for the tutorial! Very helpful.

By: James Sun, 16 Dec 2012 22:14:37 +0000 *Mis*fortune to come across the jitsu foundation – if you had come across a class teaching traditional Japanese martial arts, or koryu jujutsu, then you would have learnt useful techniques and principles that you could use in your MMA, as well as not having to do so much ukemi. That much ukemi is, to me, a sure sign the instructor has little to teach. Otherwise why spend sooo much time doing that instead of practicing actual techniques?

Also, I use a slight variation on what’s in this video: as the basis of how I teach basic forward ukemi in my classes. I once did a lot of searching to help a kohai (student / mentoree) see variations on how to “get” ukemi – my philosphy is that the student who is finding a fundamental thing difficult needs to have it explained differently. Hope that helps.
