Now, I need to learn. I fell backwards on icy concrete last weekend. Nothing broken! Mild shoulder blade issue, but nothing major. Still, I need to learn what to do. Thanks for reminding me!
]]>If you do fancy trying out some koryu, or gendai based on koryu, feel free to give me a shout – there’s a lot of dross out there, but some koryu training could give you something different and thus an edge in your MMA.
]]>And cheers for the tutorial! Very helpful.
]]>Also, I use a slight variation on what’s in this video: as the basis of how I teach basic forward ukemi in my classes. I once did a lot of searching to help a kohai (student / mentoree) see variations on how to “get” ukemi – my philosphy is that the student who is finding a fundamental thing difficult needs to have it explained differently. Hope that helps.